#1 Divorce Support Class

"The journey through divorce is unique for each person, but we cannot heal alone." - Nick Meima

Every Tuesday Evening, 8-10pm ET, 5-7pm PT

In this class you will learn...

  • The 4 Steps to Letting Go and Moving On
  • Which step is most important
  • The #1 Mistake in the process

This class is totally free. It is a 60 minute class by an Expert Coach. You will learn the proven method to healing from heartbreak. You will get information and tools that you can use to start feeling better fast.

After the class, if you are interested you can learn more about other Rebuilders programs available to you. We have multiple programs and services that will fit in any budget and schedule.

Who is this class for?

This class is for anyone that is dealing with the loss of their primary relationship.

  1. Maybe you and your partner and you are struggling and considering a breakup?
  2. Or you are in the middle of the legal process and you are overwhelmed by the intense thoughts and feelings?
  3. Or papers are finalized and you realize that it is still affecting you?

If you are dealing with these?

  1. You can't stop asking yourself questions like: What happened?! Why?! What was my role? What was my partners role in the decline of the relationship? What could I have done differently? IF THIS IS YOU: we give you new tools to get the questions answered, but more importantly learn what is UNDERNEATH those question so that you don't keep asking them.
  2. You are angry but don't want to be?
  3. You are extremely sad and are having a hard time dealing with your life.
  4. You can't believe that being single is your new reality (or might be)!
  5. You are afraid of a future without your partner.
  6. You have lost yourself and don't know who you are without your partner in your life
  7. Your confidence and self esteem are at all-time lows.

Our Programs give you...

Group Support

Connect with others affected by heartbreak. Learn from each other, get perspective.


Get tools and information to understand, learn, and Let Go. Anger, sadness, constantly thinking about your ex and your situation, and more...


Get support from trained professionals that have experienced heartbreak themselves, learned from it, and now provide proven, time-tested tools and information that you can use.

Julie started the program at the very beginning of her split. She found that the group helped her in more ways than she imagined.

Fred was worried about making the same mistakes in his next relationship. He felt very alone and was looking for guidance. He was working with a therapist but it wasn't helping.

Tina had a lot going on when she decided to join the group. She was having trouble focusing and was worried that she wouldn't have time to really participate in the group.

What kinds of programs and services are available after this free class?

  • Online Heartbreak Support and Recovery Classes on Zoom ($900 and up)
  • In-person Local Heartbreak Support and Recovery Classes (ranges from $300 to $1000)
  • Self-Paced Heartbreak Support and Recovery Programs ($97 per month)
  • Support Group - Talk to others, get support ($47 per month)
  • eCourses - Want to focus on a particular area of the process? We have video-based programs:
  • Get help with the excessive/obsessive thinking about what happened and your Ex
  • Deal with the Intense feelings Like Grief and Anger
  • Self Esteem and Confidence low? We show you how to Rebuild yourself
  • Relationships - How to do it right next time and have a healthy support system.
  • Topic-based classes:
  • Parenting during and after a split
  • Holiday hustle - how to deal with special occasions when you have to see your Ex
  • How to Let Go Tips and Tricks
  • Money Matters during the legal process - Finances, budgets, etc

  • FREE Coaching Sessions with an expert Relationship Coach

Rebuilders: The #1 Heartbreak and Healing Support Program in the World!


Meet the founder, Dr. Bruce Fisher

The Rebuilders Seminar program first started in the 1980s by Bruce Fisher. He was a therapist that specialized in healing from heartbreak. He started to see patterns in his clients. He started a support group to help more people. As it grew he refined the process more and more. Then he wrote a book and created a formal 10-week program that was designed to help people through the confusion, hurt, and isolation.

In 1997 Bruce Fisher passed away from Cancer but he left a legacy and a structure that we use today. Over the years, the program, the book, and how the material is delivered has been revised based on the needs of our students and the new research.

Since Bruce Fisher first developed the program, millions of people have Rebuilt their life using his program. Thousands have taken the 10-week Rebuilding Seminar. The program works, the material is proven to help people move through even the most difficult situations.

In the FREE "How to Let Go" class you will learn:

  • The 4 Key Steps in Letting Go: Even though every breakup is unique there are 4 fundamental stages every person passes through as they Rebuild a new life.
  • Your Personal Path to Recovery: Each person has different challenges and therefore you will learn what steps you need to take to Let Go and Move Forward. 
  • The 5 Obstacles to Letting Go: When you can identify what is holding you back you can break free!

Meet Your Hosts

Nick Meima - Divorce Coach

Nick first went through divorce over 20 years ago. After his divorce he went through the Rebuilders program and got so much out of it he got trained in how to run the classes. For the last 8 years Nick has led online classes for hundreds of students. He also does individual coaching with students.

Nick's background in traditional therapy as well as innovative coaching methods are all centered around making a dramatic, rapid improvement in people going through one of the most difficult times in their lives. 

Since Nick first started teaching the program he has introduced a number of elements that has revolutionized the program and made it the best divorce support program in the United States. 

Kevin Van Liere - Divorce Coach

Kevin's divorce in 2017 was devastating for him. Through the Rebuilders 10-week Workshop he learned new tools, information, and more about himself. In a matter of weeks he went from being extremely angry, sad, and barely getting by to feeling peaceful and excited for his future.

He is the father of two boys, 11 and 13 years old. He is now in a committed relationship and happier than he has ever been.

Kevin is a certified Life Coach and has gone through a rigorous 2 year Divorce Coaching program. He is a group facilitator, private divorce coach, and author of "The Rebuild".

Anne Marsh - Divorce Coach

In June of 2018 her 29-year relationship, 25-year marriage, ended abruptly and unexpectedly. She was beside herself with grief, anger and resentment. Within a month, with the Rebuilder’s book in hand and on audio, she started attending Nick Meima’s week 10 Rebuilder’s Workshop online. Those 10 weeks changed her life and opened her eyes to a new possibility.

Although her role with Rebuilder’s International is as a coach, facilitator and teacher, she is a licensed mental health professional with an advanced degree and training.

Under grad in Social Work-BSW

Master’s degree in social work-MSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker-LCSW

Over 30 years’ experience working with individual, families and groups in therapy

Graduate of Rebuilders

You don't have to be unhappy!

Watch the video above to hear Denise's Experience

Watch and hear what our graduates say in the videos below...

What is the investment?

The How to Let Go Class is completely free!

Rebuilders offers a variety of programs and services. For example, we have private coaching, group classes, and individual eCourses. Everyone has different needs and budgets. You can find out more in the class if you want to know more. Rebuilder's mission is to support people to overcome the trauma of divorce regardless of their budget, schedule, or location. We can help you!


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