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Schedule Your FREE Clarity Call

With an Expert Divorce Coach

During our call, we will:

  • Provide you with a personalized roadmap tailored to your unique journey, so you can:

    • Rebuild quickly.

    • Make confident decisions.

    • Navigate this challenging and emotional time with clarity.

  • Review your overall score and results across six key sub-categories.

  • Share insights on how your results compare to others who have taken the test over the years.

Please Select a Time to Schedule Your Complimentary Call Below:



Below you'll see why the Rebuilders system really works, why it is unique, and what we do. We will let this information stand for itself!

And yes, of course results will vary.

The Rebuilders Background:

40 years of changing people's lives.

Meet Dr. Bruce Fisher

The founder of the Rebuilders program was Dr. Bruce Fisher (1931-1998). He was born in Iowa but spent most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado. He was a popular divorce therapist, author, teach and a Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. As he worked with clients dealing with divorce he realized that traditional therapy didn't work efficiently. He began working with his clients in groups and eventually found that there are 19 "steps" that people must work through to effectively "Rebuild" their lives. From this work he wrote the book "Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends." We still use this book as a reference in our classes. Since he wrote the book over 30 years ago we have learned a lot and the program has evolved considerably. Now we find that there are more "steps" and that there are some elements that Dr. Fisher wasn't aware of or misunderstood. However, he still created a powerful foundation for the program that we run today.

The Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale

The Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale, affectionately referred to as the FDAS, is a 100 question survey that measures a person's adjustment in 6 key categories. It also provides an "overall" score of a person's current adjustment to the loss of a love relationship in their life. The questions are primarily directed to people that are clearly headed for divorce, in the divorce process, or are already divorced. When a person takes the test there is a raw score that gets generated for each category and overall. Then the scores are compared to all of the other people that have taken the test. This is the key, it gives a very solid score of how are YOU doing compared to others that have taken the test. Over the last 40 years THOUSANDS of people have taken the test. Having this many "data points" helps us accurately understand how well you are doing. Keep in mind that we consider it an "emotional weather report". It changes day to day a bit but we have seen historically that your overall score won't change much over time UNTIL YOU DO THE WORK. It is a common myth that it just takes time to heal after divorce. The test shows that this simply isn't true. Time scabs over the wounds of divorce. In order to truly heal you must treat the wound.


Every situation is different and every person is different but we do want to show you statistics from our program. They are based on client data starting in 2021 and after. Data included are people that have completed the 10-Week Rebuilders Workshop and have attended all classes, and done all of the homework, and reading. Which is approximately a total of 4 hours per week. Your own experience and results will vary greatly depending on your own choices, circumstances, coachability, and ability to integrate the tools and information into your life. We don't promise or guarantee these explicit numbers. We know that each person is unique and statistics and charts don't represent your individuality.

Reliability and Validity of the FDAS

A study of 486 individual showed that the FDAS, which we use to measure the effectiveness of our program has an internal consistency, using Cronbach's alpha of .93.

Relationship Termination and the FDAS

In this study, the FDAS was used as a tool to measure the differences between the married and unmarried people going through a breakup of their primary love relationship. It shows that the FDAS is a standard of measure in the industry for relationship loss.

Effectiveness of the Rebuilders Workshop

Using the FDAS as a measure before and after the program, the researches were able to show that with just 2 hours per week the graduates showed dramatically better results and also measured using the Satisfaction With Life measurement tool.

Rebuilders International, LLC

All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2025



DISCLAIMER: The student results stated anywhere on this website are individual data points and are not guaranteed. Every student will have different results, and we are not implying that you will duplicate them. We have the benefit of providing support to people for over 10 years. The average person who simplyl purchases any "how-to" program may not follow through on what they are being taught and because of that we cannot guarantee any specific result. We are using these references for example purposes only. Individual results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. All growth entails risk as well as the need for self care and regulation. If you are not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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