
That The Rebuilder's Workshop Works!

"Before I made the decision to take this class, I was lost emotionally and mentally. I remember how isolated I was from the world because of the depression. I couldn’t believe that someday I will go through a divorce. I lost sense of self. I didn’t even know what my purpose in life is and why am I still here. I got to the point where I hated myself because of the feeling of rejection. It was like a nightmare I wasn’t sure if I would ever wake up from it. I have tried almost everything but nothing has helped me get through this struggle but this class. Nick did a great job in reaching out for those who are in need to get their life back. He helped me understand where I’m and why I’m feeling the way I was. Not only that but he also gave me the effective tools to develop a healthy inner self and to continue my life that way I would like it to be regardless of my past. The wonderful people I met in this class have also impacted me tremendously. Sharing our divorce/separation experiences and everything that came with it has made me feel that I’m not alone. This group class was the best decision I’ve ever made and I feel so blessed to meet every one of you. Thank you all for your advice and the words of encouragement. I can now move on with my life and hope that I’ll continue fulfilling my purpose in this life." 

- Susan

What Makes Rebuilder's Different

Rebuilder's VS Others...


"I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to have taken this journey with you and the class. It’s been very mind blowing and a real eye opener." 

- Mike

"The structured way that the Seminar was put together, helped me move through the initial pain, frustration and confusion. Even though I have benefited from therapy, this process made a big difference because I kept building a new foundation and new ways to become more adept at dealing with conflict and challenges."

- Mary T.

"It was in about the fourth or fifth week when a lot of what I was learning came together for me, and the deep pain I had been in, started for the first time, to become manageable. As the Seminar went on, I found that I was able to become more focused at work and more attentive to my children’s needs"

- Sally B.

These are results taken from clients that have gone through our process versus those that haven’t…

(And yes, results do vary…)

The middle set of data shows that non-graduates have scored as low as 214, with an average of 360. Graduates increased their lowest score by almost 100 points (a 38% improvement) with an average improvement of 64 points. This might not seem like much but its very significant considering we use a 10 week program instead of years of “waiting”.

"I would wholeheartedly encourage you to embrace Nick and the work and help that he provides so that you can walk a path to find yourself."

- BB

"At the beginning of the Seminar I was struggling a lot. The Facilitator, my fellow students, and the homework made a huge difference. I really was not sure I would feel good again. Now, I feel better, and have a much clearer sense of how I stay out of struggle, and keep moving forward in a positive way."

- Marilyn D.

"When my husband left suddenly and I was new to Denver, I knew I needed help navigating the scary world of separation and divorce. I discovered the The Fisher Rebuilding Seminar through online research and believe this course not only sustained me during a difficult time but also provided key resources for building a life apart from one’s partner. Nick Meima does a superb job of creating a safe space for thoughtful and meaningful exploration during a very fragile time in one’s life. The deliberate and intentional topics help those in distress make sense of what is happening and create new stories for how to create purposeful lives. It has been a time of growth, healing and tremendous encouragement."

- M. Larma

Even More results from real people:

"There was no Divorce Workshops available near where I live. I was skeptical that an online class could help. The Seminar, with the technology, made it very easy and accessible. All my questions were always answered. The facilitation and teaching were excellent. I made friends with several students – we talk weekly. All of us grew so much as a result of the Seminar."

- Dan P.

"Getting away from the obsessive/incessant thoughts and memories from the relationship ending. I remember going into this program 27 years earlier thinking that nobody could feel as badly as I did at the time. I soon found that was not true and everyone there was hurting no matter their circumstances. The same was true again. Being in a group setting, hearing others situations and issues, relating to them and growing through the crap together was very helpful for me. Thanks to you all for being part of my experience."

- Bill R.

"I am several years removed from my divorce. Still, this was a fabulous personal growth opportunity for me. Nick is expert at setting an accepting tone to the class. His patience and willingness to “wait” with us in silence as we process some of our most difficult experiences let me know that he valued each and everyone’s thoughts and feelings. Nick is extraordinarily kind and able to empathize with those taking his workshop. He enhanced Dr. Fisher’s work with several of his own activities and discussions. One of these was the discussions of the Drama and Authentic Triangles. I applied this not only to my separation/divorce experience, but also to many relationships in my personal and professional life. I recommend this learning opportunity to all who has come through divorce and ask, “Now what? How can I find greater happiness and satisfaction in my life?"

- Helen P.

"I believe the most impactful part of our seminar for me was, how it taught me about myself. I became aware that I mattered. I had completely lost myself throughout my life of marriage and kids. I had existed as a non-entity until now. I learned that I am worth focusing on, being taken care of, valued, and cherished. I am worth having a good time, laughing, and my feelings, thoughts and dreams matter! I am a kind and giving person, but I can also take care of ME now as well. I am stronger than I think I am, and I am ENOUGH! This will be a constant journey of self-worth for me, so please keep me in all of your prayers and thoughts. You are all forever with me! Thank you, Nick!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everyone."

- Leisa

"Nick told me that we all go through the ending alone and that in order to heal and grow we cannot get through by ourselves. The huge amount of support I gained from the book, the teaching, the session with Nick and from my fellow students was amazing”

- Melanie N.

"Words cannot express the valuable insight I found during my workshop experience. I find myself stronger, much happier & less anxiety-ridden. I believe processing every single emotion truly made the difference. I tell anyone going thru a split to invest in this class. The structure & support of people in the trenches with me, were priceless. Thank u, thank u, thank u! You really helped in leading me to the path toward healing."

- Anne N.

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