- Free Training -

How To LET GO without wasting time and money

In the above training you will learn:

  • The three factors that accelerate your recovery.

  • The basis for high quality information

  • How much TIME you really need to feel better

  • Understanding the role of community support

  • Essential criteria for who is delivering the material

In the above training you will hear from 38 people about how they were able to quickly recover using the right tools and information.

How can Rebuilders Help You Recover Quickly?

At Rebuilders we know you are struggling to process the emotional effects of divorce. We help people dealing with the loss of their primary relationship. We help people to Let Go, Move ON AND Build a Life they LOVE.

We believe everyone is capable of living their best life, if they have the right tools and information.

We provide the a structured program, community, and coaching that changes people lives in as little as 3 weeks.

It Can Be Scary Working Through it Alone

It can also be extremely overwhelming. We get it and that's why we do what we do.

We encourage you to do your research and make an informed decision. It's not an easy one to make!

All that we ask is that you be open minded to the idea of asking for help. Seems simple enough, right? But it isn't.

Asking for help takes a lot of courage. Once you accept that you're going to see this process becoming a lot more fun!



Get Clarity

The ending of a relationship is confusing. So much happens and the effects are profound. Try to make sense of all of this produces an ability to look forward rather than trying to keep asking the same questions about the past.


Find Peace

There are a lot of intense emotions in divorce and most people don't know how really deal with them. So instead of ignoring or avoiding them, we walk with you as you release these "difficult" feelings so that you can be the peaceful, happy person you want to be.


Be Your TRUE Self

It's easy in a relationship to give everything to your partner, your kids, your job and all the duties of being an adult. Yet when divorce hits its easy to feel lost and isolated. We help you find who YOU are, maybe for the first time ever.


Build Healthy Connections

Divorce is a wakeup call for relationships. We are wired for connection, to have friendships, family, and eventually a partner in life. Learning how to build these healthy, fulfilling relationships after divorce is the vital to living a life you love.

"Be Honest, What's The Real Story On Why You Teach This System?"

From the Desk of Kevin Van Liere

CEO of Rebuilders International

First, let me congratulate you on finding this page, I genuinely believe this is going to be a defining moment for you!

I've been where you are. In 2017 my marriage fell apart, very quickly and I didn't see it coming. I was devastated, angry, confused and barely functioning some days. I found this program after 8 months of the deepest pain I had every felt. The program changed my life in weeks and I swore to myself that I was going to make it my mission to share this program with the world. I don't want people to suffer any more than they need to.

Why should you listen to me? And why do I teach this system?

Because I have seen myself and hundreds of others go from the wreckage of a lost relationship to making it the best thing that ever happened to them. This program works and you are willing to put in a little bit of effort now you will get a lifetime of results.

"After 8 months, I was still a wreck. Nothing was really helping."

I returned from a business trip and my wife said to me "I don't want to live in this house anymore. I don't want my job. I don't want to take of the kids. And I don't want to be married to you. "

I spiraled from there. I was panicked inside. I didn't understand what happened or why we had gotten to this point. Sure, I wasn't happy in the marriage but I had no idea it was this bad. At first I thought it was just a breakdown. It wasn't.

We tried marriage counseling. I read books. I became good friends with whiskey. I ignored it as much as possible. I tried to act like it was okay.

Then she moved out and it got 10 times worse. I would cry uncontrollably until my abs hurt so bad I was crying from the pain in my belly. I broke things in the house. I had a car accident because I wasn't paying attention. I dated. I talked to friends and family almost daily.

Everything helped but nothing really healed the deep emotional wounds I had experienced.

I had heard about the Rebuilders program months before but I wasn't ready to do it and at the time it was only available a few times per year. I finally signed up a couple of weeks after my divorce papers were official.

In week 3 of the program I let go of 80 percent of my grief, after doing a 1 hour homework exercise. I couldn't believe it. The peace I felt after that was deeper than I had felt in a long, long time. And it only got better from there. For the next 7 weeks I grew, I learned more about myself. I started focusing on my future rather than avoiding my past.

I'm now being more authentic. I feel comfortable being alone and being in a healthy relationship. I don't think about my marriage or my Ex. I am present with my kids and I am teaching them the things I learned in the program so that they grow up to be in healthy relationships and not repeat the unhealthy habits that I learned form my parents. As I write this I am now more than 2 years into the best relationship I have ever had. My kids are doing well.

And most importantly, I LOVE MY LIFE!

What was it that changed it for me? The 10-week program.

Since I took the program as a student, I joined Rebuilders and now we offer classes starting every few weeks, we have online and in-person programs available. We offer a wider variety of tools and information. We have grown internationally.

Join the thousands of people that have LET GO and are (Re)building a wonderful life.

Proven, Unique Information

The Rebuilding program is the oldest divorce recovery program in the world. Started over 40 years ago by Dr. Bruce Fisher. He developed a structure that was based on results, on REAL change. Also unique is that the proven content is delivered by mental health professionals. Experts that have experienced divorced themselves so they can appreciate how difficult it is. These mental health professionals that express interest in the Rebuilding curriculum must go through a rigorous training themselves in order to deliver the program.

Over the years and by iterating hundreds of times with students Rebuilders International has developed a curriculum that is comprehensive yet delivers the material in bite-size pieces.

We also have developed the infrastructure to handle the wide variety of issues and situations that people face. So in addition to the various programs there is also coaching available that can help you if you need it.

We believe that everyone can be happy and live a wonderful life - you just need the right information and coaching to help you integrate it into your life.

It's our mission at Rebuilders to help our students Let Go and Move Forward FAST!

We do this primarily with our group program called The Workshop.

Down below you'll see what you get when you enroll in the class.

But the most important "x-factor" is our own experience.

We walk you through the toughest parts of rebuilding your life and break them down into simple, actionable steps. Think 'paint-by-numbers' but for your self development.

Most other therapists and programs out there have never actually done what they're teaching you. Plus, they don't really understand how much and how varied the issues are.

Meaning, they likely have never really experienced the significant change that is possible, in a short amount of time. Their paradigm is that it is a slow, unplanned process. They are experienced at listening and or talking about the issues but not transformation.

The two are not the same thing and require a completely different set of skills and knowledge.

We have done both and changed lives for the better, quickly.

With Rebuilders International you're going to get proven expertise, life changing information, and amazing support! The results speak for themselves!

Highly Trained, Expert Facilitators

The people that facilitate our support and recovery groups are HIGHLY trained. They have years of experience working with both individuals and groups.

When you are joining a support group you must be vulnerable. You need to share, what is really going on for you. The leader of the group matters. This person can make a group SAFE or SCARY. We hear all too often about groups, run by volunteers in which someone feels attacked or betrayed for being honest. You want a leader that will guide the group and create a safe environment.

It is also important to be in a group in which the leader has been divorced as well. If your leader hasn't experienced the pain of uncoupling and worked through it themselves, then how can they be compassionate for you?

Finally, you want a leader that has worked with a lot of people on healing from divorce. If they aren't trained specifically to handle the broad range of issues created by divorce then they will not be able to effectively guide you to the other side of healing.

"What Makes the Rebuilders Program Different?"


The Rebuilding program is the oldest divorce recovery program in the world. Started over 40 years ago by Dr. Bruce Fisher. Rebuilders offers a wide variety of ways for you to connect with others both locally and online. We have found that both have their benefits.

Online groups give you:

  • Consistent, high quality information

  • Controlled environment (people are there to learn)

  • Recordings of your class (if you need to miss a class you don't lose the lessons)

  • High quality group facilitators

  • Access to video library and eCourses

  • Safe, same-sex and opposite-sex friendships

  • Access to more people

Local connections give you:

  • Local Events and activities

With Rebuilders you can have the best of both (online and in-person)!

"What do i get in the Workshop?"


Live Interactive Classes for 10 Weeks - 2 Hours per week

You will join a small group (no more than 10) of other people online - all dealing with divorce. Some are considering divorce, some are in the divorce process, and some are already divorce. These classes are led by a highly trained facilitator. The time together is very interactive - you will learn something new and then discuss and integrate the new information into your life. You will get feedback from the facilitator on how YOU Let Go and Move On. You will also learn from your peers.


Video Recordings of Each class

Each class is recorded so if you have to miss a class you can stay with your group and continue. We know that life is busy and you may not be able to make them all. Plus! You have access to these recordings for up to a year in case you want to review them later.


Personalized Growth Plan

Before the first class and again at the end of the course you can schedule a 30-minute call with a coach to review your FDAS Scores, understand what they mean, and have a growth plan that is customized for you.


Community Support System

Each week we organize a calling tree for you. You can call or text someone in your group and then someone else calls you. You support each other, get to know each other, and sometimes become life long friends.


Email Support

Have questions? Need additional support? We are here for you to contact at any time. We have a team of people ready to help you get your questions answered and support that you need as you move through this very challenging time in your life.

The Rebuilders Workshop is an investment in yourself.

For as little as $60 per month you can get started today.

When you register for the Rebuilders Workshop you also get these bonuses...


Care Package

We will mail you a package of printed materials that we know are helpful in your journey. First, you will get a 250 page text book that has been used by millions to learn the fundamentals about how to recover when your relationship ends. Second, you will get our workbook that you will use in class. Third, a journal that you will use as you learn to process your marriage and divorce, your thoughts and feelings, your past and your future. Each week you will receive prompts to help you use it to its full advantage.


Support Group

Tuesday nights you can join our support group. This is a larger group where we learn and talk with others in the class about what is going on with them. Here you can also learn, grow and connect outside of the Workshop environment to also get your questions answered.

So when are the classes? Look at the calendar below to see our schedule of upcoming classes...

Why we love what we do...

When Our Students Win, We Win!


You are not a statistic, but the numbers and figures on this page are. Clients included on this page are people that completed our entire Rebuilders Workshop. Remember, every person is different and their situations will vary widely depending on goals and circumstances. Your own experience and results will vary greatly depending on your own choices, work ethic, ability to follow instructions, take constructive criticism, and dedicate yourself to building your new life. We don't promise or guarantee these explicit numbers. We think you're a bit more unique than a number on a graph.


All Rights Reserved © Copyright 2025 Rebuilders International, LLC