Group Programs Available

Online and In-Person

Click on your state or country to find programs near you. If a local program isn't available then you can do an online class (or help us bring one to your area!)

Online Program

  • Transformational

  • Efficient (2 hour classes, no travel required)

  • Available from anywhere

  • New classes starting every few weeks!

  • Friendships

  • Connect with a larger community

  • Recordings of your classes

  • Online Support Group (meets weekly)

  • Access to video library

Local Groups

Click on the region to zoom in.

Click on your state or country to find programs near you.

If a local program isn't available then you can do an online class (or help us bring one to your area!)

Online Courses

  • Efficient (2 hour classes, no travel required)
  • Available from anywhere
  • New classes starting every few weeks!
  • Online friendships
  • Access to larger community
  • Recordings of your classes
  • Online Support Group (meets weekly)
  • Access to additional videos

In Person Classes

  • Starting every 3 months (typically)
  • Local community
  • Local Facilitator
  • 3 hours (not including travel)

Cost varies by local program.

First locate a Seminar near you, pricing listed on each local page.

What do I get out of the 10-Week Rebuilding Workshop?

  1. Learning - Learn and walk through the 19 steps of Rebuilding

  2. Coaching - You will be supported through the process by a highly trained class facilitator.

  3. Community - You will make new connections with people that live near you


You will:

  1. Conquer your fears
  2. Honor your grief
  3. Express anger effectively
  4. Rebuild your self-esteem
  5. Restore your trust in others
  6. Prepare for new relationships

You will:

  1. Conquer your fears
  2. Honor your grief
  3. Express anger effectively
  4. Rebuild your self-esteem
  5. Restore your trust in others
  6. Prepare for new relationships

How does it work?

Over the course of 10-week and typically for 3 hours per week on the same day, at the same time you will walk through the proven framework. This program was first created by Dr. Bruce Fisher over 40 years ago. Thousands of people have done this program. It works.

Clinically proven to accelerate the Divorce Recovery process

The Fisher Rebuilding Seminar™ walks with you as you "climb the mountain" toward emotional freedom. The group process is rapid and effective. You will heal as a group. You learn that what you are thinking and feeling is very normal. You support each other. You grow. You release the past and embrace the future.

End the Isolation

Often the ending of the most significant relationship in your life is a lonely process. Being with others going through the same process brings a supportive, healthy guidance to your life.

The 3 Key Elements

Dr. Bruce Fisher first developed the Rebuilding Program in 1970s. Since then it has evolved quite a bit. Rebuilders has found that there are 3 KEY elements that allow people to recover in our program, faster, more efficiently and with better long term results.

The benefit is that students reduce the time, cost and effort to recovery from their divorce. AND, they see lifelong results. Why? Because this program is LIFE-CHANGING!


  • Hear from 38 people about how THEY were able to let go in a matter of weeks.

  • Hear how to have the right support system.

  • Find out the secret to getting the right kind of guidance.

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